Our story.
The Yard occupies what was once a 19th century livestock building and has been recently renovated and repurposed.
The idea for the Yard grew organically over time as the farm buildings started to be refashioned & converted for modern day use. The first building to be developed is now home to Moonroast, the specialist coffee roaster. Having such a fantastic local business such as Moonroast on the farm, making great coffee, led to the idea of having a café space to draw in walkers, cyclists, families & being a resource to our local community.
In 2018, we were successful with a grant application to the LEADER fund, which is administered through Winchester City Council but ultimately has its source in the Rural Development Programme for England and is funded by European Union. Needless to say, the grant programme is being wrapped up, but we could not have converted the Yard without its significant support.
The Yard was a livestock shed originally, built in the late 1800s and excites the conservation officers on account of its historic fabric & prototype concrete. We had to propose a sensitive conversion project, keeping as much of the original walls & features and apply for full planning permission on account of the entire building being listed. The project has been complex to say the least, but we are so thrilled with the finished product, and pleased to be able to share this with visitors every weekend.
A history of the Yard in pictures.